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Labor Day is one of the most widely celebrated holidays on the planet. It is celebrated in most countries of the world.

The holiday was originated by the industrial revolution, which was merciless to workers and children. Long hours of work, low wages and life on the edge of existence forced workers at the end of the 19th century to go on numerous strikes demanding better living and working conditions. The peak of dissatisfaction was expressed in Chicago in 1886, when more than 40,000 oppressed people took to the streets, emphasizing the demands symbolized in three eights - eight hours of work, eight hours of rest and eight hours of cultural education. Due to the merciless reactions of the police, this event resulted in a large number of victims, whose leaders were brought to court and sentenced to long-term prison terms, and some to death. That year, on May 1, a general strike was launched for an eight-hour workday. And this event resulted in a large number of victims both on the side of the demonstrators and on the side of the police.

The struggle for workers' rights was by no means easy and lasted for several years, not only in North America, which began celebrating the holiday in 1887, but all over the world. This path was not easy for the western democratic countries, as well as for the later one-party systems in numerous countries of the world, which only declaratively supported the workers. It took several decades for the unions to succeed in fighting for better working conditions.

Today, this holiday is celebrated all over the world as a day of struggle for human dignity. The labor and human rights of all employees are emphasized, which implies better working conditions, higher earnings, and greater protection at work.

Symbolically or coincidentally, the Law on Occupational Safety and Health was passed last year at the beginning of May in our country. Within numerous newspapers, he emphasized the importance of standards and their application by collaborators/consultants for OSH. In this regard, the Institute has started organizing five-day trainings for taking a professional exam in this field, because every legal entity in the coming period will have to have one person who takes care of the safety and health of employees.

Indirectly, passing the occupational health and safety exam is one of the ways of fighting for better working conditions, which will continue with future generations.