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Environmental testing - Part 2-14: Tests - Test N: Change of temperature
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-17: Tests - Test Q: Sealing
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-18: Tests - Test R and guidance: Water
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-2: Tests - Test B: Dry heat
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests - Test Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-21: Tests - Test U: Robustness of terminations and integral mounting devices
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-31: Tests - Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-38: Tests - Test Z/AD: Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-39: Tests - Tests and guidance: Combined temperature or temperature and humidity with low air pressure tests
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-42: Tests - Test Kc: Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-43: Tests - Test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections
60.60 Standard published
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-45: Tests - Test XA and guidance: Immersion in cleaning solvents
60.60 Standard published
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-46: Tests - Guidance to test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-47: Test - Mounting of specimens for vibration, impact and similar dynamic tests
60.60 Standard published
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-49: Tests - Guidance to test Kc: Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections
60.60 Standard published
Environmental testing - Part 2-5: Tests - Test S: Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing and weathering
60.60 Standard published