20.00 20. 2. 2024.
ISO/TC 211
Tehnička specifikacija
This document specifies fundamental models of tiling schemas that are suitable for binding tiled imagery and gridded data based on ISO 19163-1 and coverage models based on ISO 19123-1.Except grid coverage, the specified tiling schema may also apply to other coverage types, such as point clouds and general meshes, as long as these types are bound to a gridded space and the corresponding tiling schema is described in the gridded space for these data types.
ISO/AWI TS 19123-4
Novi projekat upisuje se u plan rada komisije za standarde
20. 2. 2024.
Geografske informacije – Šema obuhvata geometrije i funkcija – Deo 4: Šema popločavanja
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