Pretražite srpske, evropske i međunarodne standarde. Odredite organizaciju koja je donosilac standarda, izaberite oznaku standarda ili ključnu reč i završite željenu pretragu. Možete dodati i fazu u izradi standarda ili komitet/komisiju koja je izradila standard.
Information technology — Process assessment — Process assessment model for quantitative processes to support higher levels of process capability in ISO/IEC 33020
50.00 Evidentiranje podataka o definitivnom tekstu nacrta standarda
Information technology — Process assessment — Process assessment model for software testing
30.60 Završetak izjašnjavanja o nacrtu komisije standarda
Information technology — Process assessment — Process assessment model for safety processes
10.60 Završetak izjašnjavanja o predlogu
Linux Standard Base (LSB) - The organization of ISO/IEC 23360 series of Linux Standard Base standards
00.00 Podnet predlog novog projekta
Information technology — Governance of IT — Implementation guidance
20.60 Završetak rada na prednacrtu standarda
Information technology — Governance of data — Part 1: Application of ISO/IEC 38500 to the governance of data
20.60 Završetak rada na prednacrtu standarda
Information Technology – Governance of IT – Responsible governance for social inclusion
20.00 Novi projekat upisuje se u plan rada komisije za standarde
Information technology — Database languages — GQL
00.00 Podnet predlog novog projekta
Information technology — Extensible biometric data interchange formats — Part 12: Fingermark data
00.00 Podnet predlog novog projekta
Information technology — Extensible biometric data interchange formats — Part 2: Finger minutiae data — Amendment 1: Handling of finger minutiae card format
30.20 Početak izjašnjavanja o nacrtu komisije standarda
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — AI system impact assessment
50.00 Evidentiranje podataka o definitivnom tekstu nacrta standarda
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of artificial intelligence management systems
40.99 Nacrt standarda prihvata se kao definitivni tekst nacrta standarda
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — High-level framework and guidance for the development of conformity assessment schemes for AI systems
20.00 Novi projekat upisuje se u plan rada komisije za standarde
Enterprise, systems and software — Architecture fundamentals
30.60 Završetak izjašnjavanja o nacrtu komisije standarda
Enterprise, systems and software — Reference architectures
30.00 Evidentiranje nacrta komisije standarda
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Taxonomy of AI system methods and capabilities
20.00 Novi projekat upisuje se u plan rada komisije za standarde
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Overview of synthetic data in the context of AI systems
20.00 Novi projekat upisuje se u plan rada komisije za standarde
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Guidance on addressing societal concerns and ethical considerations
10.20 Početak izjašnjavanja o predlogu